When and where does the next JLPT test in Ghent take place?

The next JLPT test in Ghent will take place in December 2025.

For information on the 2025 JLPT test, please visit the official JLPT WEBSITE!!!

What is the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)?

The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (日本語能力試験) is a test designed to evaluate the Japanese language proficiency of non-native speakers. The test is organized by the Japan Foundation and is the only official test for Japanese which is recognized worldwide. Obtaining a JLPT certificate for a certain level is therefore often a prerequisite to be allowed to study at a Japanese university or to get hired by a Japanese company. The JLPT test comprises 5 levels, ranging from N1, the highest level, to N5. At each level, the following competencies are being evaluated: vocabulary, grammar, reading ability, and listening comprehension. It is not necessary to obtain all five levels consecutively.

